Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lonely DJs.

According to The Sunday News in the US, the lonliest job to have on News Year's Eve presenter! Who knew??
They say that sitting alone in a studio as the clock ticks twelve is the saddest way to see in the new year.
Well, first of all -who's actually 'live' these days at midnight on Dec. 31st? Maybe a few, but not many.
Secondly: I've done a couple of shows at this time of year and they were an absolute blast. Great fun! The music is always different and the callers are hyped - brilliant.
Lonely Schmonely.
If you're on air tonight - have fun. It's more than just another gig.
Just set a challenge to yourself: guess how many people will request U2 New Years Day and see if you get it right!
Happy New Year !