After the departures of some of their big hitters last week (15 year station veteran Buzz Bishop among them), Virgin 953 in Vancouver have launched their new daytime schedule:
The morning show of Nat and Drew is still there (into it's 6th year now) and Seacrest is still syndicated in the evenings....so what's new?
9am-Noon is Taylor Jukes, who arrives from the city of Kelowna.
Noon - 3pm has Kevin Lim (another brand new arrival) and then
3pm - 6pm features former evening and weekend guy Kiah co-hosting with Tara-Jean. I could be wrong, but have a feeling Kiah is the first Australian to host PM Drive in Vancouver.

So there it is. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Taking a strong line-up of presenters off the air and replacing them with less known talent can be a risk...especially in a competitive market like this. Unless of course, they turn out to be amazing.
Time will tell and good luck :-)