Thanks for all of your enquiries regarding the Award for Best New Irish Radio Presenter.
Here's the latest:
The website is almost ready to go 'live'.
We have the five judges confirmed.
Rules and Regs have been sorted.
One question I received: "Will it cost"? Great question.The answer is 'No'. Entry to this award is free.
So, if you want to get a head start on things, here are three things you will need to know.
1. Audio can be no longer than three minutes duration.
2. Audio needs to be encoded as 128k stereo MP3 files. Your audio can be uploaded directly from the 'Entry' page on the site.
3. The competition is open to anyone with up to two years continuous experience behind a mic on any radio station on the island of Ireland.
3. The competition is open to anyone with up to two years continuous experience behind a mic on any radio station on the island of Ireland.
That's it for now.
As I say, entries will be taken when the website goes 'live' (special thanks to DAP for all the help putting the website together).