Some quick Bmac bits:
* The website for the Best New Irish Radio Presenter Award goes live on Monday. Thanks for all of your emails and tweets about it. I hope I've answered all of your questions. Our judging panel is ready to roll and all things are in place for our launch.
* The two upcoming Workshops are almost full. Belfast on August 22nd has three spaces that we can still keep open, if you are interested. I will be co-presenting that day with the legend that is Robin Banks.
The Dublin Workshop happens on September 5th and I'm delighted that Debbie Allen from Dublin's Q102 has agreed to be our guest speaker that day. Just a few spaces available for that and we have a special 2For1 deal running.
* Finally, the Ezine goes from strength to strength and has expanded it's subscriber list to Australia, new Zealand, the UAE and Pacific Islands. Many thanks to all.
Special mention this week to Colin Kelly from Clyde 1 in Glasgow - showing what can be achieved by using your iniative and ambition. He's a real radio star!