Monday, October 20, 2008

Valerie Geller.

Anyone who knows me, will know that I am a huge fan (understatement) of Valerie Geller. Valerie has been one of the world's leading thinkers and speakers on radio for over two decades. She practically invented Talk Radio as we know it now and has been responsible for some of the most innovative radio I have heard.
I had the pleasure of meeting with Valerie (along with my good buddy Dusty Rhodes) earlier this year. We spent about an hour together and I am still buzzing from it. The enthusiasm and passion for radio that this lady possesses is awesome.
Valerie will be in Ireland next month (Nov. 14th) when she comes to Limerick to present her Creating Powerful Radio Seminar.
I know I'll definitely be there.
Her book is available online and is a real must-read for anyone serious about presenting to the max: