I spoke with Jason Dee from The 90s Network this week and asked him what the listener response has been like so far:
"The texts have been slow to start but I dont think our demo are really the type to text in wanting to hear their name on air asking us to say hello to them :) They're aged between 25 and 35 and need more incentive than that, which they'll be getting from this weekend on in the shape of giveaways. The station will have 90s gig tickets for their listeners and from November onwards I plan on giving away 90s themed albums on the Retrospective show. The texts that have come in so far have been very positive but with a first run temporary station it will take a few more weeks for the listeners to get used to the text number (they can rattle of their favourite ILR's one no problem) and to remember "hey its the weekend .... time to tune to 99.5" I think halfway through our run we will have that listenership base to work with, its a very niche and very enjoyable station to work on - Im lovin' it".
90s Network can be found on 99.5FM and on http://www.the90snetwork.com