Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross have been suspended by The BBC while an investigation takes place into their broadcast together last weekend (see transcript below on this Blog).
Mark Thompson DG of the Beeb said: "I have decided that it is not appropriate for either Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross to continue broadcasting on the BBC until I have seen the full report of the actions of all concerned."This gross lapse of taste by the performers and the production team has angered licence payers."He then apologised personally to Andrew Sachs and his family and to licence fee payers for the "completely unacceptable broadcast".
Ross and Brand made a series of 'prank calls' to actor Andrew Sachs relating to his grand daughter, Georgina Baillie.
Ms. Baillie says that the two should "pay for what they've done with their jobs".
Video of Brand attempting to apologise at Mister Sach's home is here:
Here's part of the call: