Thanks to everyone for coming along to our Workshop in Glasgow on Saturday. It was a great day.
I arrived at the venue pretty early and was sitting by a window having a coffee and catching my breath when - Bam Bam Bam!! There's Robin Banks banging on the window at me with his big wide smile and infectious enthusiasm! So the day began and so it continued.
There were people there from all over Scotland, from London, Ireland and Dubai. All levels represented too, from rookie to 30 year radio vererans.
There were dis-agreements and debates but most of all lots of laughing and lots of fun.
Oh and sambos too.
There's more about it in this week's Ezine...just email me if you would like a copy sent to you.
So this note today is to acknowledge everyone we have met in the past 12 months across Ireland and the UK and to say 'thanks'. Been a hell of a year and I've enjoyed every bit of it.
This radio lark could catch on y'know ?!