WJLQ is an FM outlet based in Pensacola Florida. They have just switched from Hot AC to full on CHR and are now known as i100 (formerly Q100).
There are now four 'i' stations in the States under the one company umbrella:
As with most launches and re-launches these days, they're doing a music marathon. In this case 2,000 songs in a row. No presenters yet and no ads...just the music and the imaging.
It's interesting to hear a raw format like this before the bells and whistles are added. The music is obviously there to convey their exact audience message and the imaging is the only clue to the station's personality right now.
Hopefully they add live presenters to the roster and allow that to compliment the music etc.
Artists played today include Lady GaGa, Flo-Rida, Taylor Swift and David Coo.
There are now four 'i' stations in the States under the one company umbrella:
i106 Nashville