One point I took from the recent JNLR ratings is the fact that it doesn't matter what type of show you do, or when you are on - you can always make gains by concentrating on the basics. One guy who does this every Sunday night is David O'Reilly at Country Mix in Dublin.

David hosts the The Psychic Connection on Sunday evenings and according to his site has garnered the top audience in the market for that time slot.
David's show is very theme specific, granted, but by using Word Economy, Hooking and Teasing and watching the Elements Per Link, he has managed to present a tight and entertaining show (that's obviously working).
One thing David does well that I love - he doesn't repeat his liners coming out of an ad break!You know what I mean...the produced ID says something like "This is the Psychic Connection. Call us now on 123-4567" and the presenter immediatly comes back live saying "Yes indeed, this is the Psychic Connection and you can call us now on 123-4567"! You hear it everywhere.
The use of redundant words just isn't there with David.
So I'd like to acknowledge a who's guy doing it well.