Dublin's 98's Radiothon for the Childrens' Hospitals in Dublin is coming up next month.
Today the station were based in the window at M&S Grafton Street. The studio in the window and Siobhan from the Morning Crew trying to break the World Record for amount of hugs received in a single day.
I went down to say Hi and to contribute a hug of my own (all in the name of charity, of course).
A live stream to the website from the morning on added to the experience.
The Radiothon is challenging and worthwhile as well as just being great fun.
Dave Moore from the Morning Crew's latest tweet on twitter says:
"Right, there it is! Siobhan SMASHES the world record, getting the hugs in under 9hrs! She's now trying to get 5,000. Thank you, Dublin"!
Dublins98Dave,(+) Thu 26 Feb 16:57