What do we have to look forward to over the next twelve months?
Well, it could be an interesting year for the radio business. Credit Crunch means stations will probably be doing some belt tightening and that may lead to more voicetracking, more staff cutbacks and less innovative programming. MIGHT!
However...in the past, it's been shown that during a recession, people tend to look for entertainment as an outlet. Showbiz takes over. Movies, TV and yes even radio can provide this escape for people. Irish listeners take their radio very seriously and see it as a personal thing. They are interactive and involved more than in other countries. This is great news for us and I can see 2009 becoming a good year for the industry. Am I naive or over optimistic? Maybe - but I'd prefer that then being defeatist about the whole thing.

Nova 100 comes on air on the East Coast in the Summer, 4FM hit Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Clare soon and with stations like LMFM becoming more content oriented it shows that there is life in the old dog yet.
We are hearing great new, young talent coming up through the ranks (I can think of at least half a dozen 'future stars' that I have worked with in 2008).These people are the future.
So how about giving radio a big old pat on the back, saying 'well done' and spending 2009 showing just what we're capable of.
Yeeee-haaaaar !!!!