This week's edition of the BmacMedia Ezine went out on Monday and dealt with presenters not listening to what a caller is really saying.
"...We have one mouth and two ears. There’s a reason for this – listen twice as much as we speak and we can use our one mouth properly.
The part of the caller set-up I’m referring to is where the presenter asked the caller if she had started back in work yet. Good question as this was at the very start of January, just after New Years and Christmas.
So the caller says that yes indeed, she just started today. She didn’t sound depressed or put out by this. It was just a fact of life. It didn’t seem to bother her too much at all.
What does the presenter say then? “We’ll try and cheer you up”.
Why would you feel the need to cheer a person up when they are not down?
Why would you assume that just because they are back in work that they would be depressed?What impression does that give about you and your perception of your work..."?
The part of the caller set-up I’m referring to is where the presenter asked the caller if she had started back in work yet. Good question as this was at the very start of January, just after New Years and Christmas.
So the caller says that yes indeed, she just started today. She didn’t sound depressed or put out by this. It was just a fact of life. It didn’t seem to bother her too much at all.
What does the presenter say then? “We’ll try and cheer you up”.
Why would you feel the need to cheer a person up when they are not down?
Why would you assume that just because they are back in work that they would be depressed?What impression does that give about you and your perception of your work..."?
The Ezine is read by over 1,000 radio professionals in more than 200 radio stations worldwide. Plus it's FREE. Sign up at brian@bmacmedia.com