The latest edition of the BmacMedia Ezine went out on Monday and it deals with our good old friend the 'Hook and Tease'. Where and How to place it, is the question?
Here's a brief section:
"From listening to stations and presenters over time, it appears to me that the way to gain maximum impact from your H&T is to place it at the start of your link. That is, ‘Hook First’.
Good question.
Here’s what I have discovered in the lab (!): When you Hook first, it allows the Hook to become the Major part of your talk break.
There are three elements in a basic talk break – Minor/Major/Minor.
Good question.
Here’s what I have discovered in the lab (!): When you Hook first, it allows the Hook to become the Major part of your talk break.
There are three elements in a basic talk break – Minor/Major/Minor.
Your Minor elements can be a station ID or a name check or a quick cross promote. Your Major element is the main feature. In this case, your H&T".
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