I love 6Music. Great tunes plus clever, original and funny presenters.
How could you not like a station that includes Stephen Merchant and the brilliant Adam and Joe on it's weekend line-up??
Then you have Steve Lamacq and Marc Riley on weekdays. Let's not forget that this is the place where Russell Brand was given a chance to shine!
Last weekend, David Quantick was filling in for Stephen Merchant and he received a text from a listener: "I have a text from Gareth in London...narrow it down Gareth, why don't you...then there's a colon with a bracket underneath it, which I think is some kind of youth slang. Probably means he's going to knife me".
Or, "For all I know, I could have had a bottle of whiskey before I came in here today - How Would I know"??
All delivered in a beautiful straight, deadpan style.
Use the BBC iPlayer to listen again - you'll be happy.
Here's how to take a look:
Classic Merchant piece: