Sunday, December 4, 2011

What Makes a Radio Star !

Is it having a great radio voice?
Is it being a 'solid jock'?
Is it the ability to 'hit the post'?

Nah.You know it isn't.
It's the connection you make with your listener. Through the words you use.

Listeners 'recognise' you through your words.
They also recognise themselves through you.
You are their mirror.
They either like what they see...or they don't.
They either stay with you...or they don't.

Have you ever made a connection with a particular radio presenter?
Is there one on air person you love listening to?

Ask yourself why?

Then ask yourself, are you creating that relationship with your listener?

Radio Stars know how to connect.
They allow their listener 'recognise' themselves through the words they choose.