The PPI Award nominations came out today.
The Music Programme Nominees are:
Greeley on 4 - 4 FM
iWork on i102-104 - i102-104 FM
Michael Cahill Show - RTÉ 2 FM
The Lock In - Spin 1038
The Zoo Crew - Spin 1038.
Brekkie Show:
Breakfast Xpresso - Spin South West
Brian Kennedy on Breakfast - Limerick’s Live 95 fm
Dublin’s 98 Morning Crew - Dublin’s 98
The Colm & Jim Jim Breakfast Show - RTÉ 2 FM
The Red Rooster - Cork’s Red FM
Music Broadcaster:
Colm Hayes - RTÉ 2 FM
Jim Jim Nugent - RTÉ 2 FM
KC - Cork’s Red FM
Ray Foley - Today FM
Tony Fenton - Today FM
The full list is here: http://www.ppiradioawards.com/2009/shortlist_2009.asp
And don't forget...The Best New Irish Radio Presenter Award !
Due to the fact that the PPI's completely ignore new talent, we have been running an independent award for up and coming presenters and the closing date for entries is this Friday at 5pm.
What I like about this award is that it is the presenters themselves who are taking part and submitting the entries - this shows commitment, passion and desire and I take my hat off to you.