Hey, hope you had a great long weekend. I took two and a half days away from radio - not an easy habit to break, but it makes getting back into it all the better. Good to take a break sometimes.
The Weekly Radio eZine was sent as usual today though. This week I took a listen to a presenter in Toronto who showed how much you can do with Word Economy (He's a master at the art). Just email and I'll add you to the subscription list.
Also - Saturday is the Dublin Presenter Workshop. I'll be showing (for the first time) the new way to get your CV and demo noticed. Throw your old ones away - they're old news!!
Couple of last minute places still open, if you would like to come along. Guest speaker on Saturday is Dave Moore from 98's Morning Crew.
That's it!
Back into run of things tomorrow and looking forward to what the week will bring (it always brings something new) :-)