Pretty quiet day on the ra

So maybe you'll excuse me if I give you a few Bmac Updates?
Great !
Well (he said, settling himself down), as you c

We're there on March 28th in the swanky Hilton Deansgate wit

As well as that, the nice folks at have given us a one month supply of FREE show prep to give to all attendees (59 quid worth).
Just email me for info:
The eZine is now read from plac

Last Friday was the biggest day in the life of this here Blog. More hits than ever!
I'm enjoying using twitter...never thought I'd say that. I figured FB was as far as I'd go, but over the past month have really started to see the benefits of the tweets. Great for radio too as you can get good relationships going with your audience

One last thing - I have brought in a PD and one of my favourite CHR presenters to help out with airchecks. You can choose which one of the three you would like to work with.
Just another option :-)
Right, that's me for now. There's probably other stuff but I never want to make posts too long (I never read long posts, so why the hell should you)?!!
Later. B.