Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Step Too Far?

I think the Daily Mail have hit rock bottom at this stage with their constant hounding of Russell Brand. This appeared today:
With this subline underneath:
'Would you lend him your children? Russell Brand arrives with two young guests at the UK premiere of Adam Shankman's film Bedtime Stories in Kensington last night'.
Now, is it just me or is that completely over the top, trash journalism?? Their witch hunt seems to just go on and on. I'm sure Brand could care less...but he is a human being and it's got to impact somehow.
The Mail must feel that they have their finger on the pulse when it comes to 'reporting' non-stories like this, but surely a statement like the one above is grounds for slander.
Russell Brand says he made a mistake on air (even though the facts show that the Sachsgate call had the blessing of all involved) - so this, so me, appears like banging the drum one last time to see if they can milk that last bit of made-up contoversy.
I think the only people letting themselves down today are the ones in The Mail.