How many of us have said "Oh I can't believe he's in it again"? and how many have pretended not to be interested in it at all? many have devoured all of the pictures and the features of new presenters and station launches and the annual awards for programming and presentation?
Well, if the rumour is true , then it's the end of the road for Xtrax Magazine.

Oh no, I hear you cry.
Hey, I'm actually a bit put out by this because I for one actually enjoyed the magazine. OK, I never used the prep with it's 'This day in History' type info...but the photos were great and it was nice to see a glossy, top notch industry magazine. It even included Ireland in it's pages - that was nice.
So, it looks like a Goodbye to Xtrax...unless the rumours have got it all wrong.
I'll miss the funky covers too.