I'm not one for extolling the virtues of radio stations that lack a personal presence (ie a presenter), but thought I should pass this along anyway.
You may know already about the UK website popbitch.com
It's a pop culture site that sends out a regular e-mail to subscribers as well as running a discussion board and general website. Some of the material they deal with is verrrry risque and some of it is downright nuts...but it's generally quite clever and sometimes borderline offensive. Depends on what you're into.
Well, the Popbitch people have just launched their online radio station and it's not bad at all.
The general idea is that it's request based. Put in your request and they'll play it - sort of like an online jukebox.
No presenters though - in fact they say it's for people who 'hate DJs'...yikes !
Take a look at :