Looking for good podcasts?
Where to start, eh? Some are exceptional and some are just plain bad.
Whenever I'm traveling around, if the radio isn't on then it's definitely the MP3 plugged into my ears.
I've been on a BBC binge recently...Russell Brand, Jonathan Ross, Moyles plus Friday Night Comedy.
All great stuff. Take a look http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/podcasts/directory/
I also love the John Cleese Podcast and Stephen Fry Podgram
You can find some great articles about Podcasting online at http://www.podcastusermagazine.com
This is free to download mag and has lots of reviews and articles.
Also, looking at http://bloggingpodcasting.suite101.com won't waste your time.
Want more?
And remember, keep the volume down. Those ears are meant to last a lifetime.